This is our dedicated Physics teacher, Mr. Syed Anwar.
Before MCO, Mr. Syed Anwar is able to help his students unleash their fullest potential with his teaching style. He wants his students to be able to think critically so they can figure out the solutions to any Physics problem independently. With his experience and guidance, his students continue to flourish!
Now, during MCO, Mr. Syed Anwar is still able to guide his students, while all of them are safe at home. His lessons are still as interactive as ever because he has come up with interesting online lessons for his students.
Our teachers at Pusat Tuisyen Prodidik Jaya still strive to deliver quality education for the students even at home. With experienced teachers and interactive online platform, Pusat Tusiyen Prodidik Jaya will help polish our students’ potential!
#pusattuisyenprodidikjaya #prodidikjayatuitioncentre #onlineclass #staysafe #mco #covid19 #UPSR #PT3 #SPM #physics #sciencesubject #pusattuisyenpuchong #puchong #prodidikjayateachers #knowyourteachers %MCEPASTEBIN%